We went to the Children's Museum today because our membership expires at the end of the month. There were many reasons we should have stayed home...save gas money, spend time job searching, I could get some design work done... but getting in free (except for $9 for parking and $5 at McDonald's) was too hard to pass up when it costs $40 (with parking, admission, and a snack) for our family to go without a membership. We made the most of it by arriving at 10am and not leaving until 5:30pm. Now to make up for it, I'm saving time by posting a couple pictures from our visit the day Stellan was born instead of taking the time to upload todays images. The kids enjoyed the same things today as last time so not much has changed. Now if you'll excuse me while I take some cold medicine, get to work on editing portraits of these cuties, send off some sample book layouts, upload 500 photos from a client's Picasa Web album, and continue the final edits of a 235 page Blurb boo...