* Most of the changes are good... *grass is turning green, *flowers are coming up, *Julia is able to go out in public wearing undies *Sam is only napping 1 or 2 times a week - but playing quietly in his room the other days *Photo shoots are picking up and my blog to book business is hopping BUT....a few changes are going to be harder to swallow... The campground opens NEXT WEEKEND. We will have to be home by 4pm every weekday and not go anywhere other than church on the weekends (or at least not together as a family)for the next SIX MONTHS Also, I have decided that as of tomorrow I am going to eliminate dairy from my diet as well as as much processed foods as possible. I LOVE milk so this is going to be VERY VERY hard for me BUT if I can give up pop (it'll be a year in June) I can do this...I NEED to do this...my body has been begging for this for months. Now if only I can get my taste buds on board.............