Last year by now I had been done working on blog books for three weeks already. I had a little motivation called a baby on the way. :) This year I still have one more book to complete before I can take my summer break. It has been a looooooonnnnngggg month. Very very long. I have about three hours each night work - three hours that I'd much rather be doing 10 other things. Don't get me wrong - I love my job, but in the camping season I always end up feeling pulled in way too many different directions to fully enjoy the process of turning a blog into a book. I used to be able to stay up until one or two in the morning and get a ton done, but with Elsa getting up 1-2 times a night - I am nodding off by 11:30. I'm up by 5:45 every day just so I can fit everything into each day.
We are going on vacation soon and I'm determined to be DONE with work by the time we leave. That means in less than two weeks I have to:
Finish editing one 228 page blog book.
Start and finish an 80 post blog book.
Present a campfire cooking program.
Put together 2 Saturday morning kids' programs.
Print and send Elsa's birthday party invites.
Celebrate Elsa's birthday.
Buy fabric & sew two bonnets for our vacation so the girls don't wreck their 'good' ones.
Pack for a camping trip and five hour car ride.
Finish Elsa's baby book so it arrives in time for her party.
All of this is on top of all the regular things that go on in BearCountry like staff meetings, t-ball, baseball, grocery shopping, exercising, cleaning, and the most important thing of all- being there for my kids.
Somehow it will all get done. At least that's what I keep telling myself.
So many have asked how they can help MckMama and her family during this difficult time and so I've set up a Care Calendar to help coordinate meals for the family. MckMama is coordinating childcare on her end, but you can contact me for the rest. Please leave me a comment in this message and I will contact you with more information on the Care Calendar as soon as I am able. Please be sure I can get in touch with you through your blog and/or an email address. Thank you for covering my dear friend and her family with prayers!
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