Elsa is looking and feeling much better this week. I ended up taking her in on Monday morning since her whole body became covered in spots - not just her diaper area. I wasn't surprised when the doc said it was hand foot and mouth disease. She had a few blisters on her feet and hands by this point so I was pretty sure that's what she had. The bad news is there isn't anything they can do for her except Tylenol and the good news is that she was long past contagious and would be on the mend soon. (sorry zoo visitors! I had no idea when we went on Friday because the spots only were in her diaper area and I assumed it was irritation from being hot and in cloth.) Lesson learned: Hand Foot and Mouth can show up other places long before any blisters appear on their hands foot or mouths. She never did run a fever but I kept her on Tylenol for a couple of days because the doc said she was probably really achy. No wonder she wasn't sleeping!!!
This is the face of a little girl who slept through the night Monday night from about 8:30 until 6:30!
It's also the face of a little girl who learned how to play peek-a-boo.
The side view of a little girl who's about had it with the basket. She is e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e these days! Nothing is safe. I'm sweeping and vacuuming constantly because she puts everything in her mouth.
We are a few short weeks away from the big first birthday/golden birthday and I think I'm in denial. We aren't having a party until the 3rd full weekend in July because I want to enjoy her birthday and not be in party planning mode on the 1st. It's all about you Elsa. The love you have brought into our home. The giggles you share so freely now. Your birthday is about cherishing the past year we've spent getting to know you. We love you baby girl!
This is the face of a little girl who slept through the night Monday night from about 8:30 until 6:30!
It's also the face of a little girl who learned how to play peek-a-boo.
The side view of a little girl who's about had it with the basket. She is e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e these days! Nothing is safe. I'm sweeping and vacuuming constantly because she puts everything in her mouth.
We are a few short weeks away from the big first birthday/golden birthday and I think I'm in denial. We aren't having a party until the 3rd full weekend in July because I want to enjoy her birthday and not be in party planning mode on the 1st. It's all about you Elsa. The love you have brought into our home. The giggles you share so freely now. Your birthday is about cherishing the past year we've spent getting to know you. We love you baby girl!
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