My mom called to wish us a happy new year. We talked and laughed. It was refreshing. I've missed having her here every day like she was the week before Christmas. Since then it's been so quiet here. You know, as quiet as it can be with a bunch of new Christmas presents to entertain I mean THEM. We are pretty much housebound with the weather and the need to catch up on work that I couldn't do when I was so sick. It's easy to get discouraged. I'm easily distracted and bored. I'm tired all the time because I'm not sleeping well at night. Anyone else deal with waking constantly at night while pregnant? I expect the 2-3 times a night to use the bathroom, but HOURLY waking is killing me! It's been going on for a month. Ugh. See? Easily distracted....I meant to write about the toys the kids are enjoying these days. I have three words for you. Remote. Control. Helicoptor. The boy is in love and I don't think daddy minds showing how it works. We...