Our final day in Denver was the hottest of our entire vacation. The first two days it was 70 and sunny - perfect in my book. From there it got progressively warmer, but we didn't have any rain so I can't complain. We had bright blue skies and a good breeze to keep us cool. There was also the pool....

"Do it aDEN Sharon!"

The pool fun ended abruptly when I had to pry Sam's teeth off of Julia's finger.
Poor little girl! I think she's going to have a scar from the bite - that's how hard he bit her.
We left for the airport at 3:00 even though our flight didn't leave until almost 7pm. There was always a lot of traffic so we wanted to be safe. Going through security with Sam sleeping on Brian's shoulder was interesting - and unsuccessful. Why we had to put Sam's blue blanket through the X-ray machine is beyond me, but that was the end of Sam's nap.

We camped out by our gate and watched all the planes go by. The two hours we had to kill went really, really fast.

"Look! There's our big jet plane!!"

A future pilot?
For some reason it was on vacation that potty training clicked for Sam. He was dry when we got off the plane and I had to go anyway, so he came with me. And so it went....he just kept staying dry. In five days he only had one wet diaper (other than naps/bedtimes). He even pooped on the potty our our last day - twice! I happily went searching for a vending machine to buy him some celebratory M&Ms.
His success has continued at home as well. For the past 6 days he's been wearing thick training pants at home and waterproof trainers for outings. He hasn't had any accidents so far!!!! We don't keep chocolate in the house so I used Push-ups for his reward the first week, but now he doesn't even ask for anything. He does his business and then runs off to play again. Dare I say this has been really easy????

"Do it aDEN Sharon!"

The pool fun ended abruptly when I had to pry Sam's teeth off of Julia's finger.
Poor little girl! I think she's going to have a scar from the bite - that's how hard he bit her.
We left for the airport at 3:00 even though our flight didn't leave until almost 7pm. There was always a lot of traffic so we wanted to be safe. Going through security with Sam sleeping on Brian's shoulder was interesting - and unsuccessful. Why we had to put Sam's blue blanket through the X-ray machine is beyond me, but that was the end of Sam's nap.

We camped out by our gate and watched all the planes go by. The two hours we had to kill went really, really fast.

"Look! There's our big jet plane!!"

A future pilot?

His success has continued at home as well. For the past 6 days he's been wearing thick training pants at home and waterproof trainers for outings. He hasn't had any accidents so far!!!! We don't keep chocolate in the house so I used Push-ups for his reward the first week, but now he doesn't even ask for anything. He does his business and then runs off to play again. Dare I say this has been really easy????

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