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Showing posts from January, 2011

4 years ago today.

I started this blog on the eve of my 30th birthday . 1,684 posts later I've accomplished what I set out to do with blogging - Enjoy my family as much as possible and record as many memories as I can. The unexpected bonus along the way has been the friendships I've made with so many wonderful women. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to stop by BearCountry, for your comments, for your friendship, and for hanging in there with me when I take long breaks from writing. Just for the fun of it.... When did YOU start blogging and how did you happen upon neck of the woods?

Gearing Up

We were done having kids. Or so we thought. We sold kid stuff at three different garage sales last year alone. Thankfully I don't consider us back at square one in the baby gear department. We have a crib, we have size 2 fitted cloth diapers, we have a pack-n-play, I have my pouch sling and my Kozy Carrier, we have diaper bag, we have a video monitor, and we have a stroller. Not too bad if I don't say so myself, but it doesn't stop me from mentally making a list of the things we'll need (and a second list of the things I'd like ) for when our third is born in early July. I love lists and I love making plans so it's only natural for me to have already started both of these lists. I know we'll need at some point to look at modern bar stools for at the counter for BabyBear. Yes, I think things through that far. It's annoying sometimes - especially when packing for a trip. "BUT WE MIGHT NEED THAT!" makes it nearly impossible for me to pack light...

I couldn't resist

Julia and I made a pit stop at the grocery store today right after preschool. It was the worst time of day for us to be doing such an errand, but the alternative ( pb &j for dinner) made it it worth it. As she fussed and moaned down the produce aisle I did my best to move quickly and get only what we really needed. I had compassion and empathy for her empty tummy so her whimpering didn't grate on me like it has the potential to do. As I contemplated buying full sized oranges since they were out of the little sized Cuties we like best, I stood next to a boy (about Julia's age) who was completely unattended . (read: no adult within 25 feet). He was taking oranges from the front of the row and tossing them to the back of the pile. Over and over again. I didn't say a thing. What wast he point? I didn't feel it was my place, but when he asked, "why is she crying?" I couldn't help but reply, "She's sad because the oranges are getting wrecked?...

BabyBear Update - 15 weeks

I don't feel like there's a whole lot to update since my life these days revolves around watching the clock for when I can take my next dose of medicine and pacing myself in the eating department. Here's a 14 week belly photo to distract you from my next sentence. I gained 10 pounds in 3 weeks. The good news is that I'm only back to my pre-pregnancy weight which I guess is doing OK considering I'm 15 weeks today. My doctor finds the heartbeat really easily at my appointments (in the 150's) and what a sweet sound it is. I'm still sick every day, but haven't thrown up in quite a while. I graze on whatever sounds good. I'm waiting for the "I want a SALAD!" craving to kick in like it did with Sam. Right now I'm stuck on a Cherry Coke & Fritos craving. It's awful. I know how bad pop is for me, yet it's one of the only things that calms my tummy besides sleep. Speaking of sleep. I'm still going to bed super e...