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tales from the driveway

I haven't been posting much this week because of our garage sale. Spending three days in the driveway freezing my bum has produced a few humorous moments I thought get written down before I forget. We're moving to the country a week from tomorrow so these are our last sales for a while. Every year there's always a hot ticket item and this year was no different. Wendy's teddy bear collection has been snapped up by 3 year old boys all the way up to 65 year old women (that particular woman purchased 12 of them!). A different year it was my old trophies that the neighborhood girls pooled their pennies to acquire every last one from my modest collection. Why anyone would want a trophy with MY name on it is beyond me, but I have a sneaky suspicion it was the gold horse on top that was the draw more than the name on the plaque.
Part of the fun of having a garage sale (after clearing out clutter and making money) is the people watching. Some of the shenanigans leave me speechless and dumbfounded. Like that lady who sent her young daughter to ask the price of the toys in her hands. I clearly said they were twenty-five cents each. She and her (even younger) sister approached me and handed me fifty cents (only enough to cover 2 of the 4 toys in their hands) before walking off to join their mother who'd already headed for the car. Not wanting to be petty, I didn't bother calling them on their poor math skills, but I did wonder about the parenting skills of the mother.

Then there was the woman who asked me the price of an item and then two seconds after I gave her the price she handed me half of what I had just told her. I'm a wimp and don't like to squabble over such small amounts, but again, I wonder about people like that. The funniest moment was when a women took a flyer from the HOME FOR SALE sign I no longer need so am trying to sell. It's pretty obvious that I'm selling the SIGNS and not the house based on the line of signs I have stuck in the ground, but we all had a good laugh anyway.


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