Julia's in the tub....for now. She's getting too big for the sink tub, but it's so much easier on my back to bathe her this way.
So many have asked how they can help MckMama and her family during this difficult time and so I've set up a Care Calendar to help coordinate meals for the family. MckMama is coordinating childcare on her end, but you can contact me for the rest. Please leave me a comment in this message and I will contact you with more information on the Care Calendar as soon as I am able. Please be sure I can get in touch with you through your blog and/or an email address. Thank you for covering my dear friend and her family with prayers!
Love the before/after photos. No, I cannot believe it's the same baby! Her mama must be giving her some awesome milk:) She is a feminine clone of Sammy. So cute and so big!!